Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Chapter 3.15 - 16 years old- The beginning of agony

Reflecting and Regretting

The time has finally come!

It’s March 22. The closing ceremony breezed by and I went inside the classroom. Everyone wrote me farewell messages on a paper.

I wanted to shout saying, “Thank you for always helping me! I will never forget you all. I’m going to be transferring to a new school, but I will try my best. I hope that you all won’t forget me, Aya the handicapped girl,”….but I couldn’t stop crying.

S-chan, Y-ko-chan…

“It’s a hassle sometimes trying to help Aya all the time.” My teacher told me what my friends had said one day.

I don’t know why I never realized it. I was always only focused on myself. It’s all my fault that I have made everyone feel this way.

Aah don’t say anything anymore! I’ve already reflected on my wrong-doings enough…

During the Star Festival, I wrote “I want to be a normal girl” and my sister got mad at me and asked me, “What makes you so different from a normal girl?”

I wanted to fight back saying, “What’s so wrong about writing the truth?”

I realized that it’s very difficult to admit that you are handicapped, even though you know that you are.

Sidenote: Star Fesitval, known as Tanaba in Japanese is celebrated on July 7th. People usually write their wishes on a small piece of paper and hang it on a bamboo. For more information --> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Festival


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